Planet Influencer Points (PIPs)
About PIPs
Planet Influencer Points (PIPs) can be generated by schools, academies and colleges in a number of ways (please see How to earn PIPs). Key to the use of PIPs is that young people of all ages can have real and direct influence on small, medium and global companies. In effect it is the young people who will be taking action for the peers and generations how follow by deciding how companies use part of their Corporate Social Responsibility Funds to impact on achieving Carbon Net Zero.
How to earn Points4Planets
At Points4Planet, we're dedicated to rewarding institutions that take measurable steps toward sustainability. Here's how educational establishments can earn Planet Influencer Points (PIPs):
Start with a Baseline:
Action: Use our free Carbon Footprint Calculator to gauge where your institution stands in terms of carbon emissions. This will serve as your baseline.
Regular Updates for Consistent Tracking:
Action: To monitor progress, it's crucial to update the Carbon Footprint Calculator every term. This not only helps you stay on track but also consistently earn PIPs.
Reward: Every time your institution lowers its carbon footprint by a decimal point, you'll earn 1000 PIPs. And as long as you maintain or reduce that carbon footprint level, your PIPs will be renewed annually.
Energy Use Reduction:
Action: Another way to earn PIPs is by lowering the energy consumption of your institution. By providing us with your meter readings, you can track reductions in electricity, oil, gas, and other energy uses.
Reward: The greater the reduction in year-on-year energy use, the more PIPs you earn. So, every unit of energy saved not only benefits the planet but also boosts your PIP tally.
In essence, it's a simple, rewarding process. Lower your institution's carbon footprint and energy usage, and watch your PIPs grow. With Points4Planet, every sustainable step taken is a step rewarded.
Engaging Schools in Sustainable Change: The Points4Planet Initiative
As schools reduce their carbon footprint, make more efficient use of energy of any type or recycle and/or reuse more resources they will earn Planet Influencer Points or PIPs. Schools will regularly be updated as to how many points they have earned via the Points4Planet community app.
Three times a year, through our work with CSR Partners we will produce a voting form, which will be published on the Points4Planet community app. We will seek to offer schools as much information as possible about each of the projects that our CSR Partners is proposing. This may include documents, videos, blogs or even assembly visits by the CSR Partners.
It will be the responsibility of each school’s ECO or Environment committee to share the different projects with the whole school, academy of college and seek the opinions of as many students and pupils as possible.
At the appropriate time, the ECO or Environment committee will be asked to cast the votes for its institution via the form provided on the Points4planet community app.
We will tally all votes and report the results to the member schools, academies and colleges and to the CSR Partners.
As each project moves forward with the CSR partner we will ensure full reports of progress are provided and as much communication as possible from the CSR Partners will also be provided.
CSR Partners
We are inviting companies of all sizes who are keen to extend their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) work towards helping achieve Carbon Net Zero to engage in the Points4Planet programme.
Companies of all sizes that are currently allocating resources to Environmental or Sustainability programmes are also invited to become P4P CSR Partners.
CSR Partners will be offered the opportunity to share with schools, academies and colleges information about their company and the sustainability projects they are working on.
Initially by measuring and then reducing their school, academy or college’s carbon footprint and also through becoming more energy efficient, they can earn Planet Influencer Points or PIPs. These PIPs have Influence but NO monetary value and they will be spent by educational institutions on behalf of the planet and future generations.
We are inviting all companies to join as well as any company that already provides Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds, to allocate a percentage of those funds to our PIPs programme. The children and young people i.e. your customers, clients and employees of the future will then be able to use their earned PIPs to vote for the projects that your company spends its allocated funds on.
Points4Planet will act as an interface between you, the CSR Partners and the schools, academies and colleges, however, 100% of your company’s CSR funding allocation remains within your Company.
At no point will companies be asked to make any financial contribution or donation to a school by Points4Planet or its member schools, academies and colleges. You the CSR Partner will remain 100% responsible for setting up, managing, funding and completing your environmental and sustainability projects.
We ask and hope that you will be willing to allow the young people through the PIPs they have earned to influence the projects you select to fund.